Parents’ Café

Supporting Your Child

Helping children regulate their emotions by Pascale Mathers

Please find below the slides from the Positive Behaviour Strategies Parent Cafe

Positive Behaviour SJSC

Emotional well-being and resilience by Pascal Mathers

Please find below the slides from the Emotional Well-Being and Resilience Parent Cafe

Emotional Well Being and Resilience


We are committed to helping your child to become a successful and confident reader. High-quality phonics teaching gives children a solid base on which to build as they progress through school. They start by learning the 44 phonemes (sounds). Click here for a video of the 44 sounds.

Helping Your Child With Maths

You may feel that maths is taught very differently from when you were at school! In class much time is spent on teaching mental calculation strategies. Up to the age of about 8 or 9 (Year 4), informal written recording should take place regularly as it is an important part of learning and understanding. Formal written methods, which you will be more familiar with, should follow only when your child is able to use a wide range of mental calculation strategies.

Here is a guide to how calculation is taught at St John’s and St Clement’s