Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education

At SJSC, our aim is for every child to love themselves, love others and love the world they are in.

This means developing children to become active members of society who:

• feel confident to critically challenge, champion and celebrate;

• are healthy members of society – physically, mentally and emotionally;

• are empathic.

PSHE In Action

Here at SJSC, we are follow Jigsaw PSHE which is a mindful and child-centered approach to PSHE.

Jigsaw is a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time, at their own level. Every year, children are able to revisit and deepen their knowledge of taught topics, enabling them to embed key concepts before leaving primary school.

There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and all support children’s understanding of SJSC’s Big Ideas: Democracy, Legacy, Sustainability, Innovation, Identity & Diversity.

The SJSC PSHE curriculum enables our children to understand and celebrate themselves and others, as well as know how to keep themselves safe, mentally & physically healthy, and build positive relationships.

Children are taught to identify positive behaviour choices in their peers and ‘shout out’ about them in the form of Weekly Celebration Scrolls.