Summer term Issue 28: 26th April 2024

Dear Parents,

We would like to say a huge well done to our Year 6s who performed at the Southbank Centre as part of Southwark’s Percussion concert.

The Friends of SJSC are starting to prepare for the Summer Fair, please look out for forthcoming information and put June 22nd in your diaries.

On Tuesday 7th May at 9am we are holding our next Celebrating Diversity coffee morning, come and join us if you can.

Have a lovely weekend

Alli and Joe

Upcoming Diary Dates


This week in Reception we have been really honing our writing skills. We have begun a fun project called Words and Pictures Club. Each evening, we post a funny picture on the WhatsApp and Twitter, so that families can help children can plan and practise composing and writing a sentence about it. Then before the register each morning, the children independently write a sentence about the picture on the board (in special Words and Pictures Club notebooks.) Our priority is to; hold the sentence in our head long enough to write it, form our letters correctly, and leave spaces between words.  It’s going SO well! Thank you for all your support.

Outside we have been having a smashing time… being really creative with all the loose parts and mud kitchen. Some children from Stik class were role playing about how to stop deforestation in a tough spot! Perfect link to Earth Day and our RE topic “Who cares for this special world and why?”

Year 1

We have started the week with a bang in Year 1 with our Space topic. It appears that the moon has gone missing, and we are on a mission to find it! We have been thinking of adjectives to describe the moon and have put them into ‘missing posters’. We have also loved using these adjectives whilst discussing moons we made during our choosing and learning time.

Year 2

Every Thursday, we have a specialised cricket coach coming to visit us in Year 2! This week we began by recapping how to catch a ball, keeping our hands close together and cupped. We then learnt how to hold a bat before completing a carousel of activities using our newfound skills. We had such a fun hour and feel so lucky to have a cricket coach coming in to teach us all, especially outside in the glorious sunshine!

Year 3

In year 3, we have been researching how the Ancient Egyptian civilisation changed over time. We watched videos, read information and gathered notes to help us understand how it changed. We realised that the Ancient Egyptians had a challenging history full of battles  from many different countries which led to their culture changing many times  over the 3 thousand year. 

Year 4

In year 4, as part of our introduction to fractions, we have been using pattern blocks to construct different wholes by using the information about the parts we were given such as the number of parts the whole has, as well as the size and shape of them. 

Year 5

On Tuesday, we created freeze frames of the boat crash scene from our English text ‘The Whale’.  We created poses for the characters at this moment in the book. Then we used thought-tapping to bring each character to life to share what they are thinking. We role played the full conversation between the characters using informal language. This allowed us to write thoughts and speech in role as contrasting characters.

Year 6

In year 6, we had the chance to perform at The Southbank Centre, taking part in the percussion music festival! We performed with other schools, musicians, and professionals. It was a long day of rehearsals to make sure we were ready, but the final performance was fantastic! 

Music this week…

On Tuesday, Year 6 were invited to take part in a Percussion Festival at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on Southbank. After a day of rehearsing along with other primary and secondary Southwark schools, the children performed in a concert. It was a fantastic culmination of percussion groups; our children were playing their African Drumming pieces and it was both impressive and cheering to see our pupils so fully engaged and focused.

News from the Art Studio…

This week in the Art studio, Year 5 have explored the work of Kara Walker.

Walker’s intricate shadow works explore underlying racial tensions and gender stereotypes in our societies. The children have used what they know, think and wonder to add narrative to Walker’s work and explore one our Big ideas – Social Justice. This term, we will create our own narrative silhouette mural.

Stars of the week

Stars are celebrated because they have demonstrated the school values, or gone above and beyond.
Well done to all our stars this week …

Have a great weekend. See you next week!