Summer term Issue 9: 23rd June 2023

Dear Families

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Summer Fair last week. Thank you to everyone who organised it, who helped and who came along and spent some money - what a wonderful community event!

A few parents have asked us when we can share the information from our OFSTED visit. We are hoping to receive the report before the summer and as soon as we receive it we can share it with everyone.

Over the next few weeks, there are many events including sports day, end of year trips, performances by Year 6 and an end of term service. We will update the website as soon as we have confirmed dates and let you know so you can book the time off work.

And finally, yesterday was the longest day of the year, let’s make use of those extra minutes this weekend.

Best wishes,

Alli Crank Joseph Bell

Upcoming Diary Dates


This week has been very busy for Reception, we’ve been visited by some of the new children who will be starting school in September, it was lovely to see the Himid and Stik class children take them by the hand, show them around and explain all about what they do in Reception. What a difference we could see from when they were the visitors last year!

We have been continuing our Little Red topic, and there had been loads of role play and story telling from the children. Today we made maps… including a 3D map on the carpet and gave each other directions of how to get to Granny’s house (avoiding the Wolf).

Next week we are off on our Forest School style outings. Parent volunteers welcome.

Year 1

This week, Year 1 have been learning about animal classification in Science. We have been finding out more about the characteristics of different animal groups (such as mammals and reptiles). In Maths, we have delved into teen numbers, exploring the relationship between 2-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers. The children have learnt how they can use number knowledge for the 1-9 numbers to solve equations with teen numbers e.g. if we know that 5 + 2 = 7, then we know 15 + 2 = 17.

Year 2

In Year 2 we have been looking at measurement the past few weeks in Maths! This week we conducted an experiment trying to prove or disprove the following – The bigger your feet, the further you can jump. After discussing our predictions, we then measured the length of our feet and began measuring how far we could individually jump. Interestingly, we found that it didn’t matter what size feet you have, some of us with smaller feet could jump just as far, if not further, than those with longer feet! Well done everyone for using rulers to carry out some precise measuring and for all of your ideas on how we kept it a fair test.

Year 3

This week, year 3 have been comparing their TTRS heat maps from over the year. As you can see in the example above, the children have been amazing this year at working on their timetables and myself and Mrs Deudney are very proud of them. Their new year 4 teachers are very lucky!


Year 4

This week in geography we explored a range of different maps! Part of the beauty of maps is that they can be used in a variety of different ways, from navigation, to establishing ownership, to presenting information about an area, and together we used our geographical knowledge to work out what type of map each was and it’s purpose. 

Year 5

In Year 5 we have been learning about the importance of rivers. We discussed how rivers are used and how they can be utilised in a sustainable way then found out about the rivers of the United Kingdom. We enjoyed doing our own research using maps, atlases and the internet to help locate rivers, their lengths and the towns or cities located near them.

Year 6

This week in Year 6 we staged a protest march to showcase the work that we have written in English based on the book Suffragette: the battle for equality. Our rousing speeches pleaded with the bosses at Bryant and May matches to treat their workers fairly and to give equal rights to everyone, while highlighting the inequalities faced by the women who worked across England at that time.

Music this week…


It is always uplifting to get lovely feedback about the children and this week, Pauline and Sandra who run the African Drumming sessions with Year 6 were singing the praises of the children. They said that it is a highlight for them to come into this school. Well done Year 6!

There has also been praise about the singing that can be heard throughout the school and I would like to congratulate the children for their passion and enthusiasm. On the subject of performing, well done to all the musicians who attended the School Fair on Saturday. The brass instrumentalists and the choir did a fantastic job.


In the Music Studio this week, the year 3s have been consolidating their understanding of how a rhythm fits over a pulse by reading crotchets, quavers and minims to the backing track of their choice (hip hop, fusion or rock).

In addition to this, they have been learning a song about Boudicca, the female Celtic warrior who led the Iceni people into battle against The Romans.

News from the Art Studio…

This week in the Art studio, Year 6 have been working hard to complete their book cover designs for their Hugo Cabret writing. We explored the art of the book cover, and used the drawing skills we have been practising throughout the year.

Stars of the week

Stars are celebrated because they have demonstrated the school values, or gone above and beyond.
Well done to all our stars this week …

Have a wonderful weekend!