Autumn term Issue 10: 17th November 2023

Dear families,

This week has been Anti-bullying Week in school where we have been discussing the theme - make a noise about bullying. Here is a link with useful resources for parents to share with children. The children have all taken part in workshops and in class activities about the importance of telling someone.

Today we have celebrated Friendship Friday where we have been celebrating the importance of being a good friend.

On Monday, Year 4 visited the Houses of Parliament as part of their work on democracy. They watched a debate about asking schools to teach children how to brush their teeth.

The Spring Term clubs letter went out this week, please take a look as there are a wide range of clubs available each term. We are working with our club providers to maximise the space we have so as many children can take part as possible.

Looking ahead, our Carol Service is on Thursday 21st December at 9.45 in St John’s Church - a date for your diary.

Have a great weekend.

Alli and Joe

Upcoming Diary Dates


This week in Reception we have been subitising (counting without counting), recognising how many, and describing the patterns that we observe…  and representing numbers, look how many ways we found of making 4!

We lost count of how many bucket-fulls of sand we moved but made our system better with ramps and bigger buckets… one tonne of sand is all in the sandpit!  We cheered when we saw the bottom of the bag; What amazing teamwork and negotiation skills! Dens, based and colour mixing labs outside have keep us really busy.

We had a brilliant Drawing Club wee; reinventing The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. The children’s pencil skills are really coming on brilliantly, purposeful mark making with secret codes thrown in.

Look out for the email about our Forest School Trips 30th November for Himid and 1st December for Stik class. Parent Helpers needed please.

Year 1

This week in year 1, we have been comparing numbers. To help us use the more than, less than and equal to symbols correctly, we have learnt that the crocodile always eats the bigger number!

Year 2

This week children have been exploring our local area, identifying Human and Physical features. We loved seeing how the area differs and discussed the different wonderful things there is to see.

Well done everyone for you curiosity during our Geography field trip!


Year 3

In  Year 3 class this week, we started thinking about how sounds are made and how they can changed. In music , we were thinking about pitch and how it can be changed  and in  science we were exploring vibrations using  a range of activities including talking through balloons, tuning forks with water and ping pong balls, rice on drums and slinkies. It was very noisy but we could clearly see how vibrations can be seen and changed.


Year 4

This week, Y4 visited the Houses of Parliament. We learned about the House of Commons and the House of Los. We were even able to see King Charles’ III throne.

Y4 Monet Class attended a football tournament on Wednesday. Even though we did not win, we had a great time and displayed positive team attributes.

Year 5

This week in Science Year 5 have been working scientifically. We have been looking at forces and how they act upon different objects. This week we planned and carried out an investigation into pendulums.

Year 6

This week in Year 6 we participated in an anti-bullying workshop where we gave advice to Gary – our new friend – on how he can help others. We also discussed respect and how we can show respect to others.

News from the Art Studio…

This week in the Art Studio, Walker Class explored and experimented with stop frame animation. The buzz of excitement and sharing of skills and ideas was a joy to watch. We started with flip books to observe how still images could move, then animated everyday objects. Next, we thought about characters, settings and simple story lines. We’ll be developing these wonderful ideas over the next few weeks and sharing them with you all at our art & Music festival in the Spring term. Watch this space!

Music this week…

In Music this week, the children have been thinking creatively and with a strong emphasis on SUSTAINABILITY to invent their own instruments which they can write a composition for. Highlights include the following:

Year 1’s focus was Percussion Instruments. They were using containers, tubes, dried pasta and seeds to make instruments which they could scrape, hit and shake.

Year 2 were thinking about Woodwind instruments and continued to make instruments they could blow through. They were also seeing if they could make a beat by clapping with paper bags on their hands. (inspired by Stomp The Musical).

 Year 3 Gormley were putting their jar lids to good use as they started to make pitched instruments. The children discovered that the thicker the elastic band, the lower the pitch. They also looked at the strings on a Ukulele and were able to change the pitch by exerting pressure using their fingers.

School Council

The new School Council had their very first meeting. Congratulations to…

Year 1 – Ava & Amelia

Year 2 – Jeriah & Margot

Year 3 – Theo & Posey

Year 4 – Iris & Appia-Grace

Year 5 – Nilah & Jonny

Year  6 – Zarah & Sloane

 The council was joined by Sally, who is working with them to make playtimes even more adventurous. In Monday’s assembly school council will be introducing our dressing-up box.

Values Certificates

This week we celebrated children who showed our values this week.

From the Friends of SJSC

SJSC Christmas Fair - only 16 days! 

Reminder to purchase your tree for collection at the fair. Orders close on Monday night.  - Click here to order.

Christmas Trees | Friends of St John's and St Clement's

Check your child’s backpack for a flyer that went home with information on how you can support the fair and what we’re fundraising for. Information is also available online.

 Thanks to Haynes Hansard & Clark wine merchants, you can help the Friends of SJSC fundraise for our school while stocking up on wine for the holidays or Christmas presents with a carefully curated mixed case of wine (6 red + 6 white). HH&C will donate £15 for every case ordered. Offer ends 21 December. Order online. 

SJSC Mixed Dozen – Haynes Hanson & Clark

Have a wonderful weekend - see you next week!