Autumn term Issue 14: 15th December 2023

Dear families,

We have had a wonderful week in school this week with trips to the Horniman Museum, nativity rehearsals, a delicious Christmas dinner and Christmas Jumper day.

Next week is our final week before Christmas and we are looking forward to seeing lots of you at the Carol Service and at our nativity performances.

Remember that next Friday school finishes at 1.45pm.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Alli and Joe

Upcoming Diary Dates


It is feeling really Christmassy in Reception this week, we have been rehearsing all our songs and actions for the Nativity Play next week.  Today we had a dress rehearsal where Reception  wore our smart new nativity choir T-shirts with gold stars on that all the adults have been making; staying late after school to get them ready. They will be paid for, with money raise by the cosmic bauble stall at the Christmas Fair.  In between songs we have been writing letters to Santa, writing instructions about how to look after reindeer, as well as making decorations for the scenery for the Nativity. Christmas lunch was fun and festive, the children were so excited to pull their crackers with their friends!

Year 1

This week in year 1, we spent time exploring the properties of 3D shapes and tested how many ways we could combine 4 cubes and then 5 to make unique 3D models. Then, we challenged our partners to copy our models.

Year 2

Year 2 took a calm, enjoyable trip to see Reverend Gill at the church this week. We made delicate Christingles and discussed what the different parts represent. Afterwards, we lit the candles and sat silently, thinking about how Jesus can be our guiding light in times of need. Reverend Gill finished the service with a beautiful reading which retold the birth of Jesus, which we all enjoyed. Thank you Reverend Gill for your time!

Year 3

Year 3 have discovered many mystery pictures over the past few weeks.  Through the different pictures, we have  developed our use of adverbs and adverbials, specific verb choices, speech punctuation and how to create an atmosphere. We have also been working hard on using a range of vocabulary by thinking about synonyms for the same word so we don’t repeat ourselves.

Year 4

This week in year four, we have been working on our ball control skills. We started off with a hula-hoop warm-up game, then progressed into a game of netball. The focus during netball was to work on communication, catching skills, accuracy, and mind/body movement. 

Christmas jumper day was today, Friday the 15th December!

Year 5

This term, our Yr 5 students have enjoyed learning about the Kingdom of Benin through our English text and history lessons. This week, we visited the Horniman Museum to see some of the Benin bronzes. We learnt that Manillas are one of the oldest forms of money and were used to trade goods.

Year 6

This week in Year 6 we explored how to celebrate our differences and how to fight against discrimination using a drama exercise!

Year 6 acted out scenarios and gave advice to each character on how to empathise with others and how to navigate conflict should it arise.

News from the Art Studio…

This week in the Art Studio, 4 Kapoor made their own large sketchbooks using different types of paper. They made observational drawings of small paper sculptures using black and white painting and drawing materials.

Music this week…

Year 2 were making graphic scores this week. Listening to the sounds they composed and created for different birds, they chose how this might look if they had to draw it. The children decided that Pitch sounds were well represented by high and low markings or symbols. Short, sharp sounds were often represented by dots. Long sounds were represented by lines.

On Thursday, Pop Choir went to The Goose Green Centre to sing at the annual Lunch Club Christmas party. The children sang beautifully and added much festive cheer to the event.

Year 5 children were composing their own rhythms. Starting with the Kodaly sound (Ta, Ti Ti, Tika Tika or Sh), they made two rhythms which a second child had to then represent by drawing the correct notes (crotchet, quaver, semiquaver or crotchet rest).

Values Certificates

This week we celebrated our half termly Values Award and our Reading Awards.

Have a wonderful weekend - see you next week!