Summer term Issue 3: 5th May 2023

Dear Parents,

This week we’ve had coronation fun, thunderstorms and lots of wonderful learning.

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on our Assistant Headteacher/SENDCO role. At the end of Spring term Alex Burnet left SJSC to start her maternity leave, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Alex for her huge impact and work here at the school. We have successfully recruited a new Assistant headteacher who will take on the role from September. This term Jonathan Wren is working with us on Fridays as our SENCO and between Jonathan and ourselves we will be taking on all aspects of Alex’s role. If you need any help please contact any one of us.

Enjoy the coronation weekend.

Miss Crank Mr Bell

Upcoming Diary Dates


This week Reception have become authors! After reading ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ the children have made their own versions of the book,’ On Monday he ate one cake, on Tuesday he ate two olives’ On Wednesday he ate three pizzas! With the Kings Coronation coming up, on Friday we have had a lovely day learning about King Charles III, making our very own crowns and re-enacting the Coronation ceremony and building a state coach and horses!

Year 1

In Year 1, our Science topic is ‘Materials’. This week, the children used observations and touch to explore and identify different objects. The children have been discussing the properties of different objects - including texture or appearance – and have decided on the materials each object was made from. The children enjoyed making a tally to record data about the different materials they could find around the classrooms. 

Year 2

This week we have been exploring Orangutans and their habitats in our Geography sessions. The focus here has been to understand how Palm Oil plantations are having a detrimental impact upon their habitats and ultimately, their existence. In guided reading sessions, children continue to explore the book ‘There’s a Rang-tan in my bedroom’ which focuses this topic in greater detail. We then found out our own Orangutan information and presented these in a fact file after having fabulous class discussion.

Year 3

This week, Gormley class have been learning about the gory procedure of mummifying a body!

First, we had to identify sequencing adverbials to find the sequence of the procedure because Miss Evans had dropped all the cards and they were out of sequence!

Next, we thought about the vocabulary and what it meant. Finally, we identified the verbs and turned them into imperative verbs so we could write up instructions of how to mummify a body.

Year 4

This week we’ve been writing about the transformation of the landscape in Winter’s Child. Carefully choosing our adjectives to offer vivid descriptions and purposefully selecting our verbs to personify the nouns in the scene, we have brought the forest to life. Finally, Spring has sprung!

Year 5

As part of our mindfulness sessions, we have been exploring how physical activity and breathing can change the way we feel. We have also been learning techniques to focus on positive thoughts when we find activities challenging.

Music this week…

This week, we were very excited to welcome some of London Sinfonietta’s team into Smit class for a composition workshop. Children were introduced to the concept of looking at visual images and interpreting them into sounds. The professional bassoonist demonstrated how she might interpret patterns of lines, waves or colours before getting the children to compose their own visual piece.

For those of you who are interested, there is a wonderful Summer programme of arts, music and culture starting next month. This is being run by the fantastic Bold Tendencies in Peckham.

Love U SJSC Disco

The Friends of SJSC are excited to announce that our annual school disco will be held on Wednesday 24th May. Please save the date! 


Called ‘Love U SJSC’, the disco will be a rainbow themed party for SJSC students to celebrate their brilliant achievements, show off their unique sparkle, and have some fun together.


Reception: 230-3pm (during the school day)

Years 1&2: 315-4pm

Years 3&4: 415-5pm

Years 5&6: 515-6pm

We will be announcing further details soon, including how to purchase tickets. Please keep an eye on your class WhatsApp group or our website:

Stars of the Week Certificates

Stars are celebrated because they have demonstrated the school's values, or gone above and beyond. Well done to all our stars this week … 

Have a wonderful weekend - see you next week!