Spring term Issue 11: 31st March 2023

It has been a wonderful Spring term that finished today with our Easter service at St John’s Church. The singing was beautiful – well done Mrs McGregor and all of the children. Thank you all who attended to share this moment with us as a community.

Important notice

 We are delighted to let you know that we are getting our own School Street at SJSC! Our School Street, or ’streets’ will make it safer for our children to get to and from school and reduce air pollution for us all in the community.

From Monday 17th April, the following roads will be ‘closed’ to vehicles - cameras will be operational and any vehicles driving through these areas during the closed times will be fined by Southwark Council:

Adys Road - between East Dulwich Road junction by the Church and Nutbrook Street junction.

Ondine Road - between junction with Adys Road and Muschamp Road

Amott Road - between junction with Adys Road and Keston Road

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 8.30am-9.15am and 3pm-3.45pm.

Please do think about your journey to school, Spring is here and it is a great time to start to walk, scoot or cycle to and from school.

We wish you a lovely Easter break.

Alli Crank and Joseph Bell

Upcoming Diary Dates


This week Reception had our first big trip… in a double decker coach… off to Godstone Farm! Despite the rain and mud, we had a brilliant time, seeing lots of animals and finding out about how the farmers help the mothers look after their babies. We got to meet a 100-year-old tortoise and 1 day-old lambs. The children loved seeing the goats and the chickens with feathery feet. Back at school we wrote and drew all about our favourite moments… jumping in the muddy puddles was high on the list!

Next term we will be having a Pirate Dress-Up day on Friday 21st of April, so that gives you lots of time to find or make a costume. Have a lovely Break.

Year 1

Year 1 had a fantastic visit to The Natural History Museum to look at dinosaurs, mammals and birds. They enjoyed discussing the amazing gems, crystals and mineral clusters. Some of the children experienced the earthquake simulator and were shocked at how much it shook! The children also loved checking out all the sights along their journey; including The Shard and The London Eye.

Year 2

As Easter approaches, and chocolate consumption increases, children in Year 2 have been getting their fitness in regardless of the miserable weather. On Friday, both classes came together to participate in a number of games. One of these was called “rob the nest” where teams compete to collect the most amount of balls. The other is a game, where children work as a team in order to collect cones by a chosen colour. This game is all about coordination, speed, and most importantly teamwork. Well done to all for giving your best efforts with such a positive attitude, despite the drizzly conditions!

Year 3

Year 3 did an investigation in science. We tested all sorts of objects to see if they were attracted to magnets. We sorted them into two groups and then tried to identify why some things were magnetic or not. We were surprised that the tinfoil was not magnetic! But, what was most interesting was the fact that some coins were magnetic and some were not. We discovered that some coins contained nickel, which is magnetic, and some did not.

Year 4

Today in Year 4, we performed our shadow puppet shows of The Iron Man! Combining our science topic on ‘Light’ with our english text, the children narrated their performances with their excellent written work from a range of scenes.

Year 5

This week Year 5 have been having great adventures. Some year 5 children spent the week at school creating wonderful art and visiting the Imperial War museum. Other year 5 children spent the week at Wick Court Farm taking on the role of being farmers!

Year 6

This week in Year 6 we continued to learn about Evolution and Inheritance by exploring the story of the Peppered Moths and the industrial revolution. These moths changed colour over time and were better adapted to camouflage into their environment. We decided to test the best colour to camouflage a frog in the top hall!

Sports News

Football Y5/6 v Goose Green

Last Friday a team of  Y5 and Y6 children attended a friendly football match against Goose Green. The children got off to a little bit of a wobbly start going 2-0 down in the first couple of minutes. After a halftime discussion, we got back into the game and managed to take a 2-3 lead. Both teams did fantastically well and managed to get a few more goals, leaving the score 4-4 which was very fitting for the game. Well done for the resilience you showed and the teamwork to get yourselves back into the game.

Netball Y6 v Heber

On Wednesday, children in Year 6 attended a friendly netball match against Heber. The children played brilliantly and it was fantastic to see them all with huge smiles on their faces. As the game progressed, SJSC continued to extend their lead and the final score was 7-3 to SJSC. Well done team for your excellent victory and your respect towards each other, as well as the opposition.

Music this week…

This week in music, the Year 5 children who didn’t attend the farm, had the opportunity to be music producers, making hip hop backing tracks using the new iPads kindly given to the Art/Music room by the PTFA. They started by selecting different drum beats which they layered up before looking at adding a tune.

Year 6 were looking at clapping games, inspired by Steve Reich’s clapping music and practised working in pairs to play “sevens”. Please see the video.

Year 3 children used rhythm sticks to play along to The William Tell overture as well as using tuned percussion to accompany simple tunes.

The whole school has been rehearsing the songs we performed at The Easter Service. The children sounded amazing.

News from the Art Studio…

Year 5 made their own sketchbooks by sewing different textures and types of paper together.  Using a variety of mediums, they drew and painted landscapes, focusing on the mood and feel of a place rather than a direct representation. They created a final artwork using their sketchbooks as inspiration.


Exciting art news…Fourth Plinth Schools Award 2023

Jonny in 4 Smit has been selected as one of the winners of the 4th Plinth Schools Award. Well done Jonny, we are so proud of you and your artwork.

You can check out some of the other amazing entries on the link below.


Values Certificates

Each half term we celebrate children who have demonstrated the focus value in amazing ways. This half term we have been looking at KINDNESS, and here are the recipients of the Kindness Award… 

Have a wonderful weekend - see you next week!